IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China
28–30 July 2021 // Xiamen, China

Workshop on Underwater Acoustic Communications (UAC) and Marine Information Technology

Scopes and Topics:

The drastically increasing activities in the exploration of the ocean have witnessed increasing demand for marine information technology, such as underwater acoustic communications, underwater acoustic positioning, etc. With more and more maned and unmaned platforms deployed underwater, effective acquisition, transmission, and processing of the information from/to them are critical. In the thirteenth Five-Year Plan, the information science department of national natural science foundation of China (NSFC) listed marine information as the first of its 15 priority development areas. However, the various challenges from the ocean environment pose difficulties as well as opportunities for all the researchers in the community.

This workshop will be held part of the IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). The twofold mission of this workshop is to increase the visibility of underwater acoustic communications and marine information technology, and to bring together Chinese researchers from the area. The workshop aims to attract researchers from various universities and research institutes to present their latest progresses in marine information technology, to inspire the exchange of ideas and future collaboration.

We seek original completed and unpublished work not currently under review by any other journal/magazine/conference. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Underwater acoustic communications
  • Underwater wireless sensor networks
  • Underwater image processing and transmission
  • Sonar signal processing
  • Underwater localization, positioning, tracking, and classification
  • Underwater channel characterization and modeling
  • Underwater cooperative communications
  • Underwater internet of things
  • Marine mammal related acoustic signal processing
  • Experimental demonstration of underwater communications, networks, imaging processing, etc.

Workshop Organizers:

Chair:   Wen Xu, Professor, Zhejiang University, Email:


Fengzhong Qu, Professor, Zhejiang University, Email:

Jun Liu, Professor, Beihang University, Email:

Local Chair:  Lei Wan, Associate Professor, Xiamen University, Email: (Contact email)


Important Dates:

paper submission deadline: June 10 June 20 (firm deadline)

notification of acceptance: July 10

camera-ready : July 20
EDAS submission link: